A network of five research institutes and one external partner coordinated by IGF Jena (Deputy: TUD Dresden University of Technology) is working on the project:
- Project manager: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roberto Leidhold
- Task: Design and construction of the robot prototype, design of a drive system including control system
- Project manager: Dr. rer. nat. Falko Wagner (RETERO Project Coordinator)
- Task: Definition of the damage-relevant investigation parameters; Conception of the study design for the experiments with fish and sensor technology, execution of the fish experiments, ethohydraulic data analysis; Further development of the methodological basis for the evaluation of fish protection measures; Introduction of the new methodology via the DWA working group 7.2 in Germany and Europe-wide
- Project manager: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominique Thévenin
- Task: Development of numerical simulation methods for damage prognosis
- Project manager: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stamm
- Project Processor: Dipl.-Ing Tom Roessger (Deputy RETERO Project Coordinator)
- Task: Design, construction and operation of an ethohydraulic test section infrastructure with 3D video tracking system, execution and evaluation of hydraulic measurements
- Project manager: Prof. Jeff Tuhtan
- Task: Development of sensors for the fish robot; Development and manufacturing of the backpack sensors